Oasis Live Concerts, Radio Sessions, Soundchecks, Demos, Promos and Interviews
Performance Date:
Unknown dates, 1991/1992
4 Track Demos
Unknown Location, England
Audio CD/CDR Sources The Burnage Years (Bayswater bw-19/20/21/22/23) Behind Closed Doors (Oxygen, OXY066) Closet Encounters (No Label, LIAM96) The Early Years (No Label, OACD002) The Lost Tapes (Kiss The Stone, KTS561) The Secret Life of Arabia (Revolution Records, REVOLUTION01) The Untold Story (Hoddle Records, HODD2) The Untold Story (No Label, OACD006)
There are two versions of The Untold Story in circulation, the original from Hoddle Records and another release without no named label. A third version was also released as The Early Years - all are identical.
Referred to as "Manchester Demos" on The Lost Tapes, confirmed as 4 Track demos:
fan uploads
Image: E Image: E
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