Taper Notes:
Taper: Phideaux3
Lineage: Aiwa mics -> Aiwa deck -> cassette -> Nak DR-1 (azimuth adj) -> Audigy 5/Rx -> Audacity -> CD Wave Editor -> FLAC 1.3 -> you
This recording is incompatible with the CD-Audio standard. The sound is in 24-bit stereo sampled at 96 kHz.
Notes, rambles, etc.:
Got there a little late. Blame the Path.
I remember this show as being incredibly loud. Maybe it was just that tiny room, but I've seen other shows there and no-one else was this loud. Sometimes a built-in compressor can be a good thing?
Serious seriously drunken (American?) punters in the audience. Not as bad The Stone Pony a year later - some idiot dumped a beer on Noel. Liam looked like he wanted to kill.
Some dude w a quiff kept trying to start a mosh pit, thus Liam asking for Elvis to knock it off.
The photo comes from The Guardian article "A year on the road with Oasis" at https://www.theguardian.com/music/ga...en-photographs, which also says: 'Maxwell's, Hoboken NJ. An English army turned up to this gig including Paul Gallagher and several of his mates. By the time the band were onstage everyone was mad for it, the beer flowing freely. The tiny venue was packed, and the folks from home gave the gig an intimate, family feel.' Photograph: Paul Slattery
Some TWENTY SIX years after the show took place, a recording finally surfaced online courtesy of "Phideaux3".
fan memories
"was an incredible show. they sounded perfect. loud as hell and Liam’s voice was so damn good.
- mb
fan uploads
Image: DLGNG22 Image: DLGNG22 Image: DLGNG22 Comment: Pollstar Magazine, September 5th 1994Comment: Pollstar Magazine, October 3rd 1994
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» October 28, 1994 / Maxwell's, Hoboken, NJ «
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