DVD (VHS Transfer):
audio sources
video sources
online sourcescommentsIncluded as a bonus track on a few different bootlegs...Cork '96 2nd Night is probably the best source - it's the clearest/loudest and doesn't suffer from a sound dropout around 01m10s like Backstage Now and Rare TV Appearances 94-97 which use the same source. (It also includes Letterman's gags after the song about Liam sitting down during the performance.) screenshotsDVD (VHS Transfer):
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Add Your ReviewWas There Then? Send us your memories of the show!Upload Your Media» March 8, 1995 / The Late Show with David Letterman / Ed Sullivan Theatre; New York, USA «Have you got photos, ticket stubs, CD covers or other media from this date? Share them with the Oasis community! Upload them here and they will be added to the page - include your name for a credit on the website.« BACK |