DVD Source:
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Release Notes commentsLive at the Phoenix '95 contains a longer intro (including Liam greeting the crowd with "Hello Toronto") but may be from MiniDisc or MP3... No track transitions, but the spectral analysis has a cut-off around 16KHz.Phoenix Theatre '95 is a brighter/clearer source. Both videos are from the same original recording source, except the sound levels on the DVD Source (which is a transfer from a relatively high-gen VHS) are way too high and might benefit from being re-synched using the audio from Phoenix Theatre '95. There were VHS copies that were traded in the nineties which were lower generation than the DVD version in circulation and have more stable sound. screenshotsDVD Source:
VHS Source:
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fan uploadsAdd Your ReviewWas There Then? Send us your memories of the show!Upload Your Media» March 14th, 1995 / Phoenix Theatre; Toronto, Canada «Have you got photos, ticket stubs, CD covers or other media from this date? Share them with the Oasis community! Upload them here and they will be added to the page - include your name for a credit on the website.« BACK |