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Performance Date: February 25, 1996
Title: Modern Rock Live; Interview with Liam and Bonehead
Venue: Minneapolis, United States
Quality: A+
Length: 91 min
Source(s): Audio CD/CDR Sources
2cdrPromo Source

Cassette Sources


  1. DJ Intro
  2. Liam & Bonehead Interview #1
  3. Wonderwall
  4. (Commercials)
  5. Taking Calls #1
  6. Cigarettes & Alcohol (Live in Chicago 94)
  7. Taking Calls #2
  8. Up In The Sky (Live in Chicago 94)
  9. (Break)
  10. Taking Calls #3
  11. Champagne Supernova
  12. Taking Calls #4
  13. Morning Glory (End Cut)
  14. Morning Glory (Beginning Cut)
  15. (Commercials)
  16. Taking Calls #5
  17. Hello
  18. Taking Calls #6
  19. Roll With It
  20. (Commercials)
  21. Taking Calls #7
  22. Supersonic (Live in Chicago 94)
  23. Taking Calls #8
  24. Outro

    Spotted a mistake? Edit the setlist

audio sources

  1. DJ Intro
  2. Liam & Bonehead Interview #1
  3. Wonderwall
  4. (Commercials)
  5. Taking Calls #1
  6. Cigarettes & Alcohol (Live in Chicago 94)
  7. Taking Calls #2
  8. Up In The Sky (Live in Chicago 94)
  9. (Break)
  10. Taking Calls #3
  11. Champagne Supernova
  12. Taking Calls #4
  13. Morning Glory (End Cut)
  14. Morning Glory (Beginning Cut)
  15. (Commercials)
  16. Taking Calls #5
  17. Hello
  18. Taking Calls #6
  19. Roll With It
  20. (Commercials)
  21. Taking Calls #7
  22. Supersonic (Live in Chicago 94)
  23. Taking Calls #8
  24. Outro


Sourced from a radio station promo tape.

Oh dear. Liam and Bonehead do their best but aren't on top form:
Caller: "What does Wonderwall mean?" Liam: "It doesn't mean anything."
The DJ is pretty clueless. Despite going on about exclusive live Oasis tracks we end up getting takes from the OASIS Live! EPIC Promo CD from Chicago '94.

The callers don't seem to be into the band either ("WHat makes you different?"). Worth a listen if only for Liam and Boneheads comments.

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» February 25, 1996 / Modern Rock Live; Interview with Liam and Bonehead / Minneapolis, United States «

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