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Performance Date: March 5, 1996
Venue: Egyptian Room; Indianapolis, IN
Quality: B
Length: 30m
Source(s): Audio CD/CDR Sources
2cdINDIANAPOLIS 1996 (Wardour, Bonus Disc with "Definitive Fairfax 1996")
2cdrEgyptian Room '96
2cdrEgyptian Room '96 (DAT SOURCE)

Cassette Sources
tapeFull Show


  1. The Swamp Song
  2. Acquiesce
  3. Supersonic
  4. Hello
  5. Some Might Say
  6. Roll With It
  7. Shakermaker
  8. Morning Glory
  9. Cigarettes & Alcohol
  10. Champagne Supernova
  11. Whatever (acoustic)
  12. Wonderwall (acoustic)
  13. Slide Away (acoustic)
  14. Don't Look Back In Anger
  15. Live Forever
  16. I Am The Walrus

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audio sources

    Egyptian Room '96 [39:04 / 43:29]
  1. The Swamp Song [02:32]
  2. Acquiesce [03:57]
  3. Supersonic [05:27]
  4. Hello [03:28]
  5. Some Might Say [05:12]
  6. Roll With It [04:26]
  7. Shakermaker [05:05]
  8. Morning Glory [04:40]
  9. Cigarettes & Alcohol [04:17]
  10. Champagne Supernova [09:50]
  11. Whatever (acoustic) [04:53]
  12. Wonderwall (acoustic) [04:19]
  13. Slide Away (acoustic) [05:56]
  14. Don't Look Back In Anger [04:54]
  15. Live Forever [04:28]
  16. I Am The Walrus [09:09]
    Egyptian Room '96 (DAT SOURCE) [35:28 / 47:15]
  1. The Swamp Song [03:35]
  2. Acquiesce [03:51]
  3. Supersonic [05:30]
  4. Hello [03:16]
  5. Some Might Say [05:06]
  6. Roll With It [04:24]
  7. Shakermaker [04:57]
  8. Morning Glory [04:49]
  9. Cigarettes & Alcohol [04:38]
  10. Champagne Supernova [09:48]
  11. Whatever (acoustic) [04:37]
  12. Wonderwall (acoustic) [04:14]
  13. Slide Away (acoustic) [05:45]
  14. Don't Look Back In Anger [04:49]
  15. Live Forever [04:48]
  16. I Am The Walrus [08:36]
    INDIANAPOLIS 1996 [49:58 / 33:00]
  1. The Swamp Song [03:35]
  2. Acquiesce [03:51]
  3. Supersonic [05:30]
  4. Hello [03:16]
  5. Some Might Say [05:07]
  6. Roll With It [04:24]
  7. Shakermaker [04:57]
  8. Morning Glory [04:50]
  9. Cigarettes & Alcohol [04:38]
  10. Champagne Supernova [09:49]
  11. Whatever [04:45]
  12. Wonderwall [04:15]
  13. Slide Away [05:46]
  14. Don't Look Back In Anger [04:49]
  15. Live Forever [04:49]
  16. I Am The Walrus [08:37]
Release Notes:
ハイテンションな名演のラジオ音源を収めた「DEFINITIVE FAIRFAX 1996」の初回納品分にはフェアファックスの前のギグだった3月5日のショーを収めたボーナスCD-R「INDIANAPOLIS 1996」が付属します。 そんな96年のインディアナポリスはDATを用いたオーディエンス録音。全体的に音像が遠め(特にギグ前半)でオープニング「The Swamp Song」の最中ではDATの経年から生じたと思われるノイズが混入しているのが玉に瑕ですが、音質はマイルドで十分にクリアー、なおかつ周囲に騒ぐオーディエンスもいないので、これならマニアでなくともストレスなく聞きこめるかと。 この日の演奏を聞いていて何より驚かされるのが、フェアファックスと打って変わってギャラガー兄弟の口数が少ないということ。あれだけ放送では二人して絶叫に近いレベルで饒舌にオーディエンスに向かって語りかけていたのに対し、この日の曲間では彼らのMCが非常に少ないのです。特にリアムは曲名を発する程度で、これだけはっきりとした差があるという事実だけでも聞いていて非常に面白いものがあります。 かといって演奏がテンション低いという事は(まったく!)なく、むしろショーが淡々と進行している印象を受ける一方でリアムの調子も非常によく、どの曲も無理なく歌いこなしている。 フェアファックスが放送禁止用語もお構いなしにあれだけ振り切れていただけに、口数少なめでサクサクこなしている反面、演奏そのもののテンションは非常に高いという不思議なコントラスト。 やはりフェアファックスはラジオ用の収録が行われるということを意識して二人のテンションがあそこまでハイになっていたのであり、ツアーの通常営業モードとしてはこんな感じだったのか…ということを垣間見させてくれるドキュメントでしょう。 つまり演奏自体の手抜き感は一切なく、リアムはもとよりノエルも弾き語りコーナーでは熱唱しており、中でも「Slide Away」は素晴らしい。おまけにオーディエンスも良く盛り上がっていて、時折起こる合唱も嫌味のないバランスで捉えてくれている。もちろん遠めな音像である以上プレスCDレベルと呼べないのは事実ですが、それでも十分楽しめるのが本音源。 言うなれば「陽」のフェアファックスに対して「陰」のインディアナポリスとでも例えれば良いでしょうか。稀代の名音源フェアファックスとのビフォーアフターぶりが楽しめる1996年アメリカ・ツアーからの貴重音源。この初回納品分オンリーのボーナスCD-Rにて是非とも聞き比べてみてください!


Translated release notes for Wardour's INDIANAPOLIS 1996:
The first delivery of “DEFINITIVE FAIRFAX 1996”, which contains a high-tension radio sound source, comes with a bonus CD-R “INDIANAPOLIS 1996”, which contains the show on March 5, which was the gig before the fairfax. ..

Indianapolis in 1996 was recorded by an audience using DAT. The overall sound image is far away (especially in the first half of the gig), and during the opening “The Swamp Song”, noise that seems to have been generated from the aging of DAT is mixed in the ball, but the sound quality is mild enough. It’s clear, and there’s no noise around me, so even if you’re not a maniac, you can listen to it without stress.

What surprised me most when I heard the performance on this day was that the number of the Gallagher brothers was small, unlike Fairfax. In the broadcast, the two of them talked to the audience at a level close to screaming, but their MC was very few between the songs of the day. In particular, Liam only emits the title of the song, and the fact that there is such a clear difference is very interesting to hear.

However, the performance is not low in tension (at all!), But rather, while I get the impression that the show is progressing lightly, Liam’s tone is very good, and every song is sung reasonably.

The mysterious contrast that the tension of the performance itself is very high, while the fair fax is crispy with a small number of words because it has been shaken off so much without worrying about the prohibited words.

After all, the tension of the two people was so high with the awareness that Fairfax will be recorded for radio, and it made me get a glimpse of what it was like in the normal business mode of the tour. It will be a document that will help you.

In other words, there was no sense of omission in the performance itself, and not only Liam but also Noel was singing enthusiastically in the narration corner, and “Slide Away” was particularly wonderful. In addition, the audience is very lively, and the occasional chorus is captured in a sarcastic balance. Of course, it is a fact that it cannot be called a press CD level as long as it is a distant sound image, but it is this sound source that you can still enjoy enough.

In other words, it can be compared to the “Yin” Fairfax as the “Yin” Indianapolis. A valuable sound source from the 1996 US tour where you can enjoy before and after with the rare famous sound source Fairfax. Please listen and compare with this bonus CD-R for the first delivery only!

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Image: DLGNG22
Image: DLGNG22 /
Image: DLGNG22
Image: DLGNG22 /
Image: DLGNG22

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» March 5, 1996 / Egyptian Room; Indianapolis, IN «

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