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commentsSomewhat low-energy playback/mimed studio videos for "Wonderwall" and "Don't Look Back in Anger" while the band have a day off from their US tour.Highlights include Liam playing the piano on "Don't Look Back in Anger" with enthusiastic open palms. The videos were later used for a "live broadcast" on Hey Hey It's Saturday in Australia. Molly Meldrum conducted an interview with Noel at the same venue - an edited version appeared on Hey Hey and the full-length version has been plundered for clips over the years.
DVD Source:
"KJones" SVCD Source:
Add Your ReviewWas There Then? Send us your memories of the show!Upload Your Media» March 12, 1996 / Sony Music Promo Video Shoot / Sony Music Studios, New York City, USA «Have you got photos, ticket stubs, CD covers or other media from this date? Share them with the Oasis community! Upload them here and they will be added to the page - include your name for a credit on the website.« BACK |