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commentsNoel talks about difficulties making "Be Here Now"; the historic Knebworth gigs and touring the USA. Dave asks about why Noel chose to provide the vocals for "Magic Pie".The interview takes place at what sounds like the soundcheck for the first of the gigs at the Point Depot - you can hear the band soundchecking guitars in the background. The interview was recorded for both Radio and TV - the TV interview was broadcast on Dec 7th. Somehow the version on Noel Gets To The Point -Complete- Definitive Edition (Betrayer Deluxe, bdcd-08007) seems to be lower quality (bit muffled) compared to the MickDude Archive copy (even though it looks like it's the same source)
Add Your ReviewWas There Then? Send us your memories of the show!Upload Your Media» December 3, 1997 / 2FM Interview with Noel by Dave Fanning / Point Depot; Dublin, Ireland «Have you got photos, ticket stubs, CD covers or other media from this date? Share them with the Oasis community! Upload them here and they will be added to the page - include your name for a credit on the website.« BACK |