audio sources
Taper Notes:
Taper Notes: commentsThe crowd are clearly throwing stuff on stage during the first part of the set (the band have had problems with coins in the past). Just before Noel's acoustic set he tells them: "One more thing comes up here and I'm fuckin going home. Get that? I hope you do."
fan uploadsComment: newspaper ad Comment: schizo & LG behind the venue while Noel is soundchecking before the show Comment: Poster Add Your ReviewWas There Then? Send us your memories of the show!Upload Your Media» January 27, 1998 / Universal Amphitheater; Los Angeles, CA, USA «Have you got photos, ticket stubs, CD covers or other media from this date? Share them with the Oasis community! Upload them here and they will be added to the page - include your name for a credit on the website.« BACK |