Oasis Live Concerts, Radio Sessions, Soundchecks, Demos, Promos and Interviews
Performance Date:
February 20, 1998
Mabudachi (Japanese TV Show)
Capitol Tokyu Hotel; Tokyo, Japan
Audio CD/CDR Sources The Last Night in a Judo Arena (Bayswater, bw-05/06/07) Three Nights in a Judo Arena (No Label, OS-001) Here We Are Three Nights in a Judo Arena (Bayswater, bw-152-157)
DVD Sources "1st Gen VHS" Abroad TV Vol.1 Budokan '98 & More
Three Nights in a Judo Arena (No Label, OS-001) CD2 Track #6
Don't Go Away (acoustic) [3:31]
The Last Night in a Judo Arena (Bayswater, bw-05-06/07) CD2 Track #13
Don't Go Away (acoustic) [3:23]
Three Nights in a Judo Arena (Bayswater, bs-152-157) CD6 Track #7
Don't Go Away (acoustic) [3:33]
video sources
DVD: Budokan '98 & More [13:09]
Interview with Noel
Don't Go Away (acoustic)
Interview with Noel
DVD: Abroad TV Vol.1 [13:09]
Interview with Noel
Don't Go Away (acoustic)
Interview with Noel
DVD: "1st Gen VHS" [13:09]
Interview with Noel
Don't Go Away (acoustic)
Interview with Noel
The three interviewers are HILARIOUS. Love their reactions. Also amazing to see the gifts that Noel gets showered with, never seen so much Adidas in one room.
The DVD sources are all pretty much the same material except that the "1st Gen VHS" has an extra frame at the end that the other versions don't, lol.
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» February 20, 1998 / Mabudachi (Japanese TV Show) / Capitol Tokyu Hotel; Tokyo, Japan «
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